Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers

All Council meetings are being conducted in a hybrid in-person and virtual format.


If you wish to speak or make a submission to Council, you can email, call 250-652-4444 or deliver via the front reception prior to 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting.  Questions to Council will be placed under correspondence for action.


(Please note that all proceedings of Open Council Meetings are live streamed and video recorded on the District's website.)

We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people which includes W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip) and SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout) First Nations.

  • Recommendation:

    That the agenda of the September 9, 2024 Regular Council meeting be approved as circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes from the July 22, 2024 Public Hearing meeting be adopted as circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes from the July 22, 2024 Regular Council meeting be adopted as circulated.

Correspondence from Ignatius, Family and Betsie, dated August 6, 2024 requesting a donation to support Elder Ignatius Pelkey's and crew's race at the Queen Lili'uokalani Canoe Races in August/September 2024.

Correspondence from Brad Watson, dated August 27, 2024, requesting that the temporary pickleball courts at Centennial Park be made into permanent pickleball courts. 

Staff recommend: That the correspondence be referred to staff.


1. Report from the January 9, 2023 Regular Council Meeting

2. Report from the May 10, 2021 Regular Council Meeting

3. Report from the February 8, 2021 Regular Council Meeting

  • Recommendation:

    The Saanich Peninsula Accessibility Advisory Committee recommends that: 

    The District identify and put in place standards for accessible public EV charging stations.

  • Recommendation:

    The Saanich Peninsula Accessibility Advisory Committee recommends that: 

    In the development of an events checklist and guidance document as required by the District's accessibility plans, that for community events there be a dedicated area for accessible seating or viewing and dedicated accessible parking in close proximity to the event and that this information be included in all advertising for the event.

Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Development Permit 3060-20-10/24 for 7043, 7047, 7053, 7057 Central Saanich Road be authorized for issuance.
    2. That covenant CA9609782 be authorized for discharge from title.

Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

  • Recommendation:

    That the ALC application to permit two dwelling units in the form of trailers/RVs at 8165 Derrinberg Road be denied.

Report from the Director of Financial and Information Technology Services/ Chief Financial Officer.

For information.

Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

For information.

Report from the Director of Corporate Services/Corporate Officer.

  • Recommendation:

    That the District of Central Saanich:

    1. With regards to the Peninsula & Area Agricultural Commission,
      1. Member municipalities proceed with a Terms of Reference review for the PAAC, with drafts and changes going to PAAC for the information and feedback prior to the end of 2024;
      2. That, once PAAC has been consulted, the revised Terms of Reference be referred to each member municipality in early 2025 for their consideration and adoption;
      3. Reach out to the Saanich Fairgrounds to ask about meeting space moving forward for PAAC;
    2. Organize an annual Agricultural Open House on both timely and general topics of interest;
    3. Reach out to the agricultural community via survey in a 2025 mailout to seek additional feedback on areas of focus and best methods of engagement for the upcoming Agricultural Plan Review.



Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Central Saanich Financing for Heating System Retrofits Local Area Service Bylaw Amendment No.14, 2209, 2024, be introduced and given first and second reading.
    2. That Bylaw 2209 be read a third time.

Report from the May 27, 2024 RCM. The bylaws have received approval of the Inspector of Municipalities and can now be considered for adoption.


  • Bylaw No. 2198
  • Bylaw No. 2199
  • Bylaw No. 2200
  • Recommendation:

    That Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2198, 2024 be adopted.

  • Recommendation:

    That Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2199, 2024 be adopted.

  • Recommendation:

    That Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2200, 2024 be adopted.

Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 2208, 2024 (2515 Hackett Cr.) be introduced and given First Reading.
    2. That Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 2208, 2024 (2515 Hackett Cr.) be given Second and Third Reading.

For information.

Staff note: Correspondence will be referred to the redevelopment engagement.

For information.

Staff note: Correspondence will be referred to the redevelopment engagement.

For information.

Staff note: Staff have asked additional questions to the organizer prior to giving approval.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council convene a closed meeting pursuant to the following subsections of the Community Charter:

    90(1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:

    • (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
    • (c) labour relations or other employee relations; 
    • (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality;
    • (g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; and
    • (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.

    Following adoption of the above motion, the meeting will be closed to the public.

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