Public Hearing

Council Chambers

All Council meetings are being conducted in a hybrid in-person and virtual format.


If you wish to speak or make a submission to Council, you can email, call 250-652-4444 or deliver via the front reception prior to 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting. Questions to Council will be placed under correspondence for action.


(Please note that all proceedings of Open Council Meetings are live streamed and video recorded on the District's website.)

This Public Hearing is an opportunity for any person who believes their interest in property is affected by the proposed bylaw to be heard. No one will be, or should feel, discouraged or prevented from making their views known.

Once I state your name, speakers should begin your address to Council by clearly stating your name and address. It is important that all who speak at this Public Hearing limit their remarks to matters contained in the bylaw and it is my responsibility as Chair of this hearing to ensure this.

All written submissions and all representations from the public form part of and are disclosed through the public record.  This Public Hearing is being streamed live and the recording will posted to the district’s website.

Once the Public Hearing is closed, Council will not receive any additional information or representation from the applicant or members of the public other than to clarify issues raised at the public hearing.  Council will make its views known, deliberate and make its decision at a future Regular Council Meeting.

Purpose: Council will be considering a site-specific Bylaw Amendment application to amend the Agriculture (A-1) zoning to include a restaurant as a permitted use on the subject property (1445 Benvenuto Avenue). 


  • Notice of Public Hearing
  • Bylaw No. 2156
  • Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services: 
    • February 26, 2024 RCM
  • Excerpts from Minutes:
    • April 8, 2024 RCM
    • March 20, 2024 APC
    • February 26, 2024 RCM
  • Correspondence

Procedure on each Bylaw Submission:


  1. Brief description of the application will be provided by District staff (Planning Department)
  2. The applicant may make representation to Council regarding the project.
  3. The Chair will call for representations from the public who have registered to speak.  Presentations will not be restricted to a time limit, provided comments are relevant to the application.
  4. After calling three times and on seeing no further speakers, the Chair will call a final time for presentations.  Should there be none, the Chair will declare the Public Hearing closed.