Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers

All Council meetings are being conducted in a hybrid in-person and virtual format.


If you wish to speak or make a submission to Council, you can email, call 250-652-4444 or deliver via the front reception prior to 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting.  Questions to Council will be placed under correspondence for action.


(Please note that all proceedings of Open Council Meetings are live streamed and video recorded on the District's website.)

We respectfully acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people which includes W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip) and SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout) First Nations.

  • Recommendation:

    That the agenda of the February 26, 2024 Regular Council meeting be approved as circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes from the February 12, 2024 Public Hearing meeting be adopted as circulated.

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes from the February 12, 2024 Regular Council meeting be adopted as circulated.

2025 Fire Apparatus Procurement Approval

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Director of Finance (CFO) were delegated the procurement authority to procure a Fire pumper truck to a maximum of $1.3 million by an auction process, with a budget approval for an additional $300,000 to outfit the pumper truck if it is successfully purchased. Total 2024 capital budget of $1,600,000.

Purpose: Council will be considering an application for a Temporary Use Permit/Non Farm Use application to permit a Child Care facility within an existing building.

Statement:  This is an Opportunity to be Heard for 1528 Stelly's Cross Road. If you are a property owner affected by the proposal, you are afforded the opportunity to speak regarding the Temporary Use Permit/Non Farm use application to permit a Child Care facility within an existing building.


  • Notice to Neighbours
  • Report and attachments from the Director of Planning and Building Services
  • Recommendation:
    1. That Non-Farm Use application #3100-20-27/23 for 1528 Stelly’s Cross Road to permit a daycare use in the A-3 Zone be supported.

    2. That Non-Farm Use application #3100-20-27/23 for 1528 Stelly’s Cross Road to permit a daycare use in the A-3 Zone be referred to the Agricultural Land Commission.

    3. Following receipt of Agricultural Land Commission approval, that Temporary Use Permit #3100-20-27/23 for 1528 Stelly’s Cross Road to permit a daycare use in the A-3 Zone be authorized for issuance subject to any conditions thereof for a period of three (3) years.

    4. That in accordance with s. 493.1 of the Local Government Act, Council delegate renewal of Temporary Use Permit #3100-20-27/23 (1528 Stelly’s Cross Road) to the Director of Planning and Building Services subject to the following:
      1. The owner obtain approval from the North and South Saanich Agricultural Society Board of Directors;
      2. The owner obtain approval from the provincial Agricultural Land Commission and remains in good standing with respect to any terms and conditions thereof;
      3. The Daycare is limited to the Gallery Building as shown on the attached plans.

Purpose: Council will be considering an application for a Temporary Use Permit for an existing Cannabis Retail.

Statement:  This is an Opportunity to be Heard for 6765 Veyaness Road. If you are a property owner affected by the proposal, you are afforded the opportunity to speak regarding the existing Cannabis Retail.


  • Notice to Neighbours
  • Report and attachments from the Director of Planning and Building Services
  • Recommendation:
    1. That Temporary Use Permit #3100-20-6/23 (6765 Veyaness Road) be approved for issuance for a period of three (3) years.

    2. That in accordance with s. 493.1 of the Local Government Act, Council delegate renewal of Temporary Use Permit #3100-20-22/23 (6765 Veyaness Road) to the Director of Planning and Building Services subject to the following:
    3. That notification clearly states the temporary use may be considered for a period up to six (6) years,
    4. That there are no ongoing bylaw enforcement issues or history of complaints related to the use,
    5. That the permit terms and conditions would remain the same or be more stringent in nature such that the approved temporary uses are not expanded.

Purpose: Council will be considering an application for a Development Permit with Variances for a proposed 5-unit townhouse complex.  

Statement: This is an Opportunity to be Heard for 1255 Marchant Road. If you are a property owner affected by the proposal, you are afforded the opportunity to speak regarding the variances to reduce the rear yard setback, reduce the side yard interior total setback, reduce the additional setback adjacent to agricultural uses, and to permit tandem parking within a shared driveway.

Approval of the variances are subject to a rezoning application, to be considered as item #12.2.1 of tonight's agenda. This rezoning is consistent with the OCP and therefore the District is prohibited from holding a public hearing. Approval of the Development Permit with variances will be considered at a future Council meeting.   


  • Notice to Neighbours
  • Correspondence

Report is attached to item #12.2.1.

Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

  • Recommendation:

    That staff be directed to draft bylaws for Council’s consideration to amend zoning regulations to reflect Option 2 in the Council report received February 26, 2024 to allow either a secondary suite or detached accessory dwelling on lots less than 1 ha, and allow both a secondary suite and detached accessory dwelling on properties 1 ha or larger.

Report from the Director of Financial and Information Technology Services/ Chief Financial Officer.

For information.

Report from the Chief Administrative Officer.

  • Recommendation:

    Provide the Saanich Inlet Protection Society $1000 for their Roundtable on March 8, 2024.



Report from the Director of Corporate Services/Corporate Officer.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Bylaw No. 2173, Parcel Tax Roll, 2024, be introduced and read a first and second time.
    2. That Bylaw No. 2173 by read a third time.
    3. That the Parcel Tax Review Panel be convened.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That third reading of Delegation of Authority Bylaw Amendment No. 2, 2167 be rescinded;
    2. That Bylaw No. 2167 be amended to change the reference of the Central Saanich Delegation of Authority Bylaw from No. 2026 to No. 2060; and
    3. That Bylaw No. 2167 be given third reading, as amended.
  • Recommendation:

    That Public Notice Bylaw No. 2169 be adopted.

  • Recommendation:

    That Development Applications Procedure Bylaw Amendment No. 2, 2170 be adopted.

  • Recommendation:

    That Central Saanich Financing for Heating System Retrofits Local Area Service Bylaw Amendment No.10, 2171, 2024, be adopted.

Bylaw from the Director of Planning and Building Services. 

  • Recommendation:
    1. Bylaw to Amend Numbering for the Bylaw for 6895 Woodward Drive, No. 2177, 2024 be introduced and given first reading. 
    2. That Bylaw No. 2177 be given second and third reading. 

Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2174 (1255 Marchant Road) be introduced and given First Reading.
    2. That Rezoning Application 3360-20-18/23 and Development Permit with Variances Application 3060-20-18/23 for 1255 Marchant Road be referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for comment.

Report from the Director of Planning and Building Services.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2156 (1445 Benvenuto Avenue) be introduced and given First Reading.
    2. That Rezoning Application 3360-20-8/23 for 1445 Benvenuto Avenue be referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for comment.

The contribution to the General Amenity Fund and the Affordable or Supportive Housing Amenity Fund has been made, so consideration of adoption can now occur.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2148 (7476 East Saanich Road) be adopted.
    2. That Development Permit 3060-20-6/23 for 7476 East Saanich Road be authorized for issuance 
      with the following variances to the Land Use Bylaw:
      1. Section 5.38.3 is varied to reduce the rear yard setback requirement from 7.5 m to 6.05 m for a new dwelling on proposed Lot A;
      2. Section 4.12.5 is varied to permit an accessory dwelling unit in the form of a secondary suite on a lot less than 400 m2 for proposed Lot A.

The bylaw has been approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, so consideration of adoption can now occur.

  • Recommendation:

    That Road Closure (Nimmo Road) Bylaw No. 2168, 2023 be adopted.

Notice of motion regarding UBCM support for regional attainable fill suites.

For introduction.

WHEREAS in January of 2023, the Provincial Government implemented Protocol 19 of the Environmental Management Act which increased the definition of contaminants in soil and fill provisions;

WHEREAS since this legislation has come into effect, municipal infrastructure projects and housing projects have seen a 200+% increase to civil costs due to unavailability of placement locations for fill deemed contaminated under the new legislation; 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the District of Central Saanich request the Union of BC Municipalities requesting that the Province of BC source regional contaminated soil fill locations for priority infrastructure and priority housing projects. 

For information.

Staff note: This has been forwarded to the Traffic Safety Committee

  • Recommendation:

    That Council convene a closed meeting pursuant to the following subsections of the Community Charter:

    90(1) A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following:

    • (c) labour relations or other employee relations; and
    • (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.

    Following adoption of the above motion, the meeting will be closed to the public.

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